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تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين PFE

تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين

تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين
Offre de BOURSES PFE-Ingénieurs
MITACS- 2020/2021

Dernier délai pour déposer candidature: 23/09/2020 à minuit sur les deux liens suivants (anglais et français):

The call for student applications for the summer of 2021 is now open. Apply by September 23, 2020 at 1 p.m. PT.
Start your application h e r e!

Globalink Research Internship


Mitacs Globalink Research Internship is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from the following countries and regions: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States. From May to October of each year, top-ranked applicants participate in a 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian university faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines, from science, engineering and mathematics to the humanities and social sciences.

Mitacs Globalink Research Internships are currently available at over 70 universities across Canada. For more information, please see our list of academic partners.
Globalink Research Internship alumni interested in returning to Canada for graduate studies are eligible for the Globalink Graduate Fellowship.​

HOW TO APPLY تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين

Mitacs encourages you to start working on the following items before the call opens:

Confirmation that your passport issued by your home country is valid until at least January 2022
You are welcome to submit an application if you currently don’t have a valid passport. However, you’ll need to provide a copy of your passport if your application is approved
A reference letter from a professor
Download the reference letter instructions
All reference letters must follow the instructions provided
Your CV
You can submit your own CV or download the Mitacs template
Your academic transcripts (either English or French). If your university or institution cannot provide transcripts in either language, you are responsible for getting them translated and notarized.
Transcripts must be included in your application
English or French language proficiency tests may be required for some countries, Please check your country’s details for more information. 

In the application, you’ll also be asked about:
Your academic discipline, program, and other educational information
Your research interests, skills, and achievements
Your reasons for pursuing research in Canada


Globalink cycle and important dates

April to June 2020: Professors submit research projects to Mitacs.  All accepted projects are made available to student applicants in an online database. Professor project proposals are due June 10, 2020, by 1 p.m. PT, for 2021 Globalink Research Internships.

July to September 2020: International students submit applications and select research projects from the online database. Mitacs conducts an eligibility review of student applications

October to December 2020: Mitacs provides professors with proposed student candidates for their project. Mitacs collects student and professor rankings, then finalizes offers to students. Final results are announced in January.

January to April 2021: Successful students start working with their Canadian host professors to arrange pre-internship details (e.g., reading to be completed beforehand) while Mitacs oversees logistics and coordinates with university administrative offices.

May to October 2021: Globalink Research Interns arrive in Canada and work with supervising professors for 12 weeks on their research project.

Matching process and evaluation criteria

Professor project proposals are submitted to Mitacs, reviewed, and upon acceptance, entered into an online database.

Applications from students are submitted to Mitacs. Students must select a minimum of three and a maximum of seven research projects from the online database.

The Mitacs Research team scores each application based on criteria including, but not limited to, CGPA, university, and research experience, and ranks students based on their score.

A list of possible matches is generated by combining the list of projects submitted with the list of eligible students.

Faculty and eligible students are invited to contact one another to conduct interviews and review one another for a possible match.

Mitacs collects the feedback and each match is weighted based on both the student’s and professor’s rankings.

Logistics and student funding

Mitacs, in coordination with our partners, oversees, and provides funding for the following:

Flight and student visa reimbursement
Accommodation and daily stipend
Medical insurance for the duration of the internship
Coordination with host institutions’ administrative offices to ensure a smooth arrival and registration process
Selection of a Globalink Mentor to assist with tasks including picking up students from the airport, escorting them to their residences, organizing social events, and acting as an emergency contact
Professional skills courses
Industry events, such as meetings with professors, government representatives, and business leaders

Roles and responsibilities of the supervisor

Host professors must ensure the following is in place for their Globalink Research Intern prior to the start of the internship (as required):Research supervision

E-mail and Internet access
Lab and/or office space
Software or hardware
Any safety or orientation information required for the project

Globalink Research Interns are expected to work 40 hours per week on their research project.  During the internship, Globalink Research Interns may be invited to attend industry and/or government relations events, professional skills training courses, or conferences.  Every attempt will be made to schedule these events outside of working hours, and interns should obtain their supervisor’s approval should they have to miss work to participate.

All parties involved with the Mitacs Globalink program must comply with the Canadian host university’s policies regarding the ethical conduct of research and scholarly activities.  Any issues or disputes around research or academic misconduct will be subject to the host university’s processes following their institutional policies.

Professor FAQs تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين

I submitted a project proposal and was not matched with a Globalink research intern. Why did this happen?
Globalink research interns may not be matched with a project due to one of the following:
Students have not selected the project during the application process
Students do not have the appropriate skill set or experience to ensure a successful match with their selected project(s)
The number of applicants exceeds the number of placements possible with available Globalink Research Internship funding

Can I nominate a specific international student to become a Globalink research intern and work on my research project

No. Globalink Research Internships are highly competitive. Students must apply during the call for student applications in the summer. If eligible for the program, students are further evaluated and shortlisted. Students can be matched with any project that best suits their research interests and experience.

What countries does the Globalink Research Internship partner with?
For 2021, we accept student applications from select universities in 13 countries and regions: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States. To check the eligibility of specific universities, please refer to the “Who is eligible?” section on the “Student information” tab.

Which disciplines is a Globalink Research Internship open to

Globalink Research Internships are open to all academic disciplines including humanities, social sciences, and STEM disciplines.

I submitted a research project to Globalink for the summer of 2021. What is its status?
We are building the capacity to inform professors of the status of their application. Until this becomes available, please refer to our “Globalink cycle and important dates” section.

Can I have more than one Globalink Research Intern placement per year

Mitacs encourages professors to submit multiple projects, as this may increase the chance of a successful match.

Placements are determined by student preference and as such, Mitacs cannot guarantee that projects will be matched until the final results are announced in late January to mid-February 2021.

Does the Globalink Research Internship provide funding for professors who host Globalink research interns?
No, we do not provide financial compensation to host faculty members. All funds are given directly to the student.

I’m a postdoctoral fellow.  Can I host a Globalink research intern?
In order to host a Globalink research intern, you must be an official faculty member at one of our participating institutions.

Can professors from any Canadian university apply for Globalink Research Internships?
Yes, professors from Mitacs full, associate and honourary university partners are eligible to apply.

How much are Globalink Research Internships worth? What amount can I put on my CV?
GRI funding packages are awarded to students. We can provide a list of what is covered, but we cannot cite a specific dollar amount, as this differs depending on the intern’s home country. All awards cover:

Transportation from the airport in Canada to accommodation
Stipend for housing
Health insurance
Student enrolment fees
Stipend for food and incidentals
Support from student mentors on campus in Canada
Registration for industry events and professional development courses

Can a Globalink research intern conduct their research off campus?
Typically, Globalink Research Internships take place on the host institution’s campus. Please contact the Globalink Research Internship team for special considerations at helpdesk@mitacs.ca


تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين
تربصات بكندا للطلبة التونسيين

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